Recently in North Carolina there has been a lot of backlash regarding House Bill 733 which has been drafted to curtail puppy mills. The regulations apply to
"Commercial breeder" means any person who, during any 12-month period,
maintains 15 or more adult female dogs for the primary purpose of the sale
of their offspring as companion animals.
"Commercial breeding operation" means the physical location or facility at
which a commercial breeder breeds or maintains adult female dogs and their
offspring. For purposes of this Article, commercial breeding operations shall
not include those kennels or establishments operated primarily for the
purpose of boarding or training hunting, sporting, herding, or guide dogs."
Link to the billSeems reasonable to me. But guess what? Apparently this is some convoluted plan to make everyone a vegetarian. heck even the NRA has gotten involved
linkSay what? So clamping down on commercial breeding, requiring them to treat the animals humanely will lead to the end of North Carolina's huge agriculture sector, which will mean no more pork neck bones for Bugsy or you and I.
Say what? Well the new head of the Humane Society of the US in NC is a vegetarian. oooooooooh I see.
OK no I don't.
I saw a link from the AKC saying this would impact legitimate breeders (what they have unacceptable standards and can't afford a $50 license? Sorry than they are not legit!)
And the hunters are saying they can't have their packs limited they won't be able to hunt. Clearly this will end hunting in NC. Say what?
You need more than 15 bitches to hunt?
This in a state with one of the largest euthanasia tallies in the US? Where hunting dogs are "set free" each year after hunting season because they are too costly to feed all year round. Good gracious people are you mad?
The Executive Director of the Wake County SPCA had this to say
LINKListen folks if you care about dogs requiring breeders to be licensed and to run clean operations with humane standards is essential. I do feel that some people regard dogs as livestock - they aren't.
link has some simple explanations of what house bill 733 wants to achieve.
The thought that requiring licenses for 'breeders' with more than 15 bitches somehow will lead to the end of agriculture and meat eating is pure insanity.