We were quite innocent and apparently ignorant when we adopted Bugsy. We had had all the right discussions as to how having a dog would impact our lives, both negative and positive and we were ready to take on the commitment of ownership of a large, fun-loving, active dog. Wow did we get all that, in spades.
We could see right from the get go that we had our work cut out for us. Bugsy as a pup was a handful and a half. OK he still is LOL.
We quickly started doing all the research we could (asking successful and experienced owners as well as reading voraciously). We discovered that he had significant food and environmental allergies that once taken care of made him an easier and happier boy. We took turns exercising him as his energy was unending. We tirelessly worked on training him and trying to figure out what really motivated him.
I'd like to say we had lots of success but we mostly had a lot of frustration until he got to be about two. Then suddenly he seemed to decide he would humor us and do what we asked some of the time.
Which brings me to today. As he approaches four he still needs his morning exercise to set the tone for the day. But today we didn't do it. So as punishment he has been an absolute devil all day long. I couldn't even estimate how many items he has brought to us today. Not one of which was something we asked for, but we got it. Again and again and again.
We played some hallway fetch, he systematically destroyed a
toy made of 8 layers of heavy jute, he had countless mini treats tucked into his treat ball. I could go on and on but I figure you've got an idea of the constant mischief.
And this is Bugsy. Everyday all day. He gets especially hyper and mischievous when people visit. A 105 lb hyper dog with a lethal tail needs very understanding guests.
To date I think seven people have actually told me they would have returned him to the SPCA. I hesitate to imagine how many others have thought it.
BUT we didn't - ever. We just continue to try and understand him and to be the owners he needs.
Which brings me back to the title of this post. When you adopt a dog or puppy, you don't really know what you will get. You can guess-timate energy levels and submissiveness but the dog may be different outside the shelter. If you are buying a dog from a good breeder they will select the best pup for your needs and lifestyle and you will also know the breed traits. If the breeder doesn't do this they are not a good breeder.
I don't say this to put you off adopting mixed breed dogs from shelters but so you know that like "a box of chocolates" you never know exactly what you will get, till you got it! Perhaps a better analogy is that, when a child is born you don't know their personality until later on. Then you do your best to raise that child to be the best adult they can be or you work with your dog to get the best from them.
Which brings me back to today. More than once I looked at Bugsy's impish face with the shoe hanging from his teeth and thought, aw Bugs can't you just chill out and have an off day.
But he can't, not yet anyway. And now as I write this he is laying at my feet running in his sleep. And the love I feel overflows.
Wouldn't trade him for any dog in the universe.