At times it is a serious mission as in "who has been in my yard?"
Other times it is just a scent in the air
that causes him to come to attention
I don't know but he always has this sense of purpose.
It is most disturbing when he is in the house and gets this 'sense of purpose'.
It is to the point that when he heads upstairs in the morning and we are downstairs we look at each other like 'uh oh'.
Because of his size we can hear him going from room to room, searching, apparently for just the right thing.
He rarely fails to live up to our concerns, as he often returns with a gleam in his eyes, an object or three in his mouth and his tail upright and wagging.
So I ask you, how does he select his objects; a remote, a shoe, some glasses, a magazine, a jar of lip ointment, a foam earplug, a sales receipt, or something from DH's desk, etc.?
What is happening in his little head as he goes from room to room? I know that we will never know but I'll always wonder.
Same for when he is laying near us in the porch and bolts upright, nose to the breeze. Then off he goes. Exploring, investigating all over again.
I will say that sometimes he is fairly innocent (although still working)
He is a busy dog, with purpose, well until it is time to rest.