Monday, May 30, 2011

Such a ridiculous dog

We had some friends over tonight to celebrate my birthday. These are people that Bugsy loves, really loves. This means he is ultra chaotic when they visit or if he goes there.
Tonight in the less than 3 hrs they were here, he received lots of treats for behaving, if he relaxes away from the action and food we usually give him teeny rewards for doing so and to keep him in that position. I bet he had a dozen almonds and cashews, several tortilla chips, little snippets of ribs, cheese, and half a sweet potato. He also devoured a 12 inch rawhide retriever, several treats from in a kong, and the coup de gras; a large chunk of microfiber towel.
He was doing his infamous steal the kitchen towel trick, dropping one only to grab the other and finally grabbed his 'slobber' towel. So we laughed and said whatever. But then I looked over and thought crap he has it in pieces. On closer inspection he had eaten a fairly large chunk of it.
After they left he proceeded to attempt to drink the contents of his kiddie pool, apparently he'd built up a thirst.
So please spare a 'hoping it all passes through unimpeded' thought for the idiot.

BTW we don't feed him like this usually as it clearly isn't healthy for him or any other dog, it was purely to reduce the amount of chaos, which it did.
Which is a bit scary :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Add fox to the list

right up near the top.

Top of what list you may ask?
The top of the 'animals that incite' Bugsy list.
It appears to be in the goose & cat range, thinking that goose probably still reigns at the top with cat & fox tied for a very close second.

How did I discover this?
We had a fox come out of someone's yard and cross in front of us - about 20 yds in front of us. It wasn't pretty.
But I still have all my appendages and so does Bugsy so its all good.

Dear Mr or Mrs Fox it would be best if you did your crossing of the road either before we arrive or after we pass through,

Monday, May 9, 2011

guard dog

Big bad Bugsy who never misses an opportunity to bark at the UPS man that stops and plays with him has made no indication of interest with regard to the 4 men digging right outside the window.
I went to go see what he was doing and he was on his bed which is about 2 feet from the open window, snoring.
When the trucks arrived with much clatter, nothing.
When they shout to each other, drill, saw and when they ate lunch. Nothing.
Not interested.
When I pointed them out to him he wagged his tail.
OK whatever Bugsy, but your reputation as a tough guy will suffer.

Oh that's right everyone knows you are a big baby!
My sweet boy!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thanks for all the smiles Bugsy

For a variety of reasons life is getting on top of me lately. I feel 'darker' than usual and just irritated and serious.
Enter Bugsy.
Gosh he can make me laugh and get me to play no matter my mood.
I am much more than very thankful for that because sometimes as adults we get way too serious and forget to just have some simple, silly fun.

So thanks Bugsy for reminding me how much fun life can be on a beautiful evening - all it took was a 4 inch piece of cedar from a plant too.

I also want to say once again that this dog has a full social calendar.
This morning he had a bit of a play with a chocolate lab pup, who then walked most of the way home with us.

Then this evening the cocker spaniel puppy came over and they ran around like fools.

Tuesday he played and/or walked with 5 different dogs. It's crazy and oh so wonderful.

Yes I am unabashedly feeling the love for the beast.

MY world is a much better place for having him in it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

just a day in the life

as per usual Bugsy was just waiting for one of us to make the first move, not sure how he knows when someone is getting up to pee or getting up for the day, but he does. This morning it was DH at 5:30am and Bugsy could not have been happier.
Oh to awaken each day as if breathing was the greatest and most pleasing thing ever! He wiggles and wags and does a somersault which is followed by much rolling, stretching and making odd noises. He beckons you to rub his belly and it cannot be resisted.

Then after the coffee pot is started he races to the backdoor skidding to a stop just in time to not slam into the door. His collar is affixed and then he about tramples you out the door and the next one too.
Off into the morning to determine who has visited overnight.

Whether it is I or DH we amble bleary-eyed down the drive to get the paper. At some point along our journey back he will fly into the picture grabbing the newspaper out of our hand and he carries it in to the house and then drops it on the steps to the kitchen door. Without fail this is how he begins each day.

Breakfast follows and then he is a first class imp until he follows me upstairs to make the bed and get ready to run or walk.

This morning he wanted to fly - it was one of those mornings I wish we could still bike ride together - he would have outrun the bike this morning. Instead we settled for mixing some jogging with a few sprints and a few walks.

I thought he was tired when we got done but no, he needed to play fetch with his wubba, run in and out of his pool and then zoom in the goofy way he does. Oh I can't help but laugh.

After the morning festivities he settles down, thankfully, until lunchtime when if one of us is home, he goes out to once again investigate his turf and then sun bathe for a short time.

This afternoon we went to the vet for his bordatella and immediately after we arrived a pretty hound/boxer mix came in and the two of them started playbowing and trying to wrestle in the lobby. Now he loves to go to the vet but this I have never seen before.

Finally, tonight we had someone coming to give us an estimate for some stonework. Bugsy always knows when we are waiting for someone and to say he gets excited/anxious would be a HUGE understatement. The guy turned up an hour late so Bugsy had been running to windows and on high alert for most of that time.
The guy was here for about an hour and Bugsy was chilled out inside but still watching every move.
Finally the man left and he went flying out the door and tracked every footstep the guy made.

Having completed his inspection he pooped, came inside, had a huge sloppy drink, and retired to bed.

Day over.
Well until someone opens the cottage cheese tub and tells him to go banyo.
Then if he is lucky, some unsuspecting rabbit is grazing in the yard. He stalks them for ages, standing at point, and then *bam!* he's off.
Rabbit runs free
He takes a pee, comes in, up the stairs and chooses a bed for the night.

See you when one of you gets your lazy human butt out of bed and we can start this all over again.