LINKYour voice is needed on Tuesday, April 21 for the NC Gas Chamber Ban Call-In day.
The animals need you to pick up the phone and make a call on their behalf. It will take only a few minutes and after you're done you can know that this simple act will help make a difference.
The House Bill 6 / Senate Bill 199 (Davie’s Law) that bans gas chambers is in danger of not passing. We need you to call in and thank Governor Beverly Perdue for her past support of the ban on gas chambers in North Carolina and ask her to make HER voice heard now and keep her campaign promise to end gas chambers in North Carolina.
Sept. 29, 2008 Perdue Statement on Animal Treatment
“As governor, Bev will work to ensure that animal shelters across the state use injection as the only method of euthanasia and will support legislation requiring its use and prohibiting other methods. It is the only way to guarantee that animals and shelter workers are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.”
Ask Governor Perdue to call on NC legislators to pass House Bill 6 / Senate Bill 199 (Davie’s Law) that bans gas chambers and allows only injection for euthanasia. This law ensures that:
* Shelter animals will have a more humane, peaceful death.
* Shelter workers will be protected from the harmful exposure to carbon monoxide.
* Taxpayers will save money as gas chambers are more costly to operate and maintain.
How to Contact Governor Bev Perdue:
Go to and click on contact us. Complete the form, asking the Governor to support House Bill 6 / Senate Bill 199.
* Raleigh Office and Tollfree number: (800) 662-7952 or (919) 733-2391
* Eastern Office in New Bern: (252) 514-4825
* Western Office in Asheville: (828) 251-6160
* Piedmont Office in Charlotte: (704) 330-5290
On Tuesday, April 21, let’s flood the Governor’s office with calls and e-mails with the message to end gas chambers in our animal shelters! Don’t forget to say “thank you” for her support!
Want more information on all the bills effecting animals that YOU can weigh in on with your elected officials? Exercise your voice! Check out the comprehensive information on the North Carolina Voters for Animal Welfare Website >
Want more information on how to become a voice for the animals?
Visit the SPCA's Watchdog and Citizen Advocate Center>
On behalf of the animals, thank you for calling in to Gov. Perdue's office on Tuesday, April 21.
NC Coalition for Humane Euthanasia · American Humane Association · Animal Law Coalition · Wake Coalition for Animals · SPCA of Wake County