Tuesday, April 7, 2009

UNC Tarheels are national champs!

Whew what a game! I had to stay up late with my crazy human to make sure she wasn't going to run off. You know you have to keep your eye on them. One minute they're in the house with you than **poof** gone. You need to be especially cautious when those things they call 'suitcases' appear. If it is just their suitcase only some of them are going. If it is just your suitcase - get worried because a kennel stay is in your future. But if it is a human's case and your case start dancing 'cuz you're all going somewhere fun! Usually to the mountains or to the beach.
Oops got off track there but those are important messages fellow canines - watch the suitcase activity closely!
My human made me pose for this picture:

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