and he is doing really well. We were surprised that there is a significant
difference in thigh muscle because he has done well all along and he is very
muscular and it LOOKS similar. (about 5 cm's difference)
His range of motion is full and was 12 days post op so no surprise there.
We started doing 1/2 mile walks the end of last week and for the first time did
back to back walks meaning yesterday and today. He also gets several shorter
walks during the day.
Today he had a 1/2 mile walk, two extended potty walks, and a full rehab session
of four 4-minute sessions on the underwater treadmill which was set at an
incline and some hurdle walking to force him to lift his leg properly. And he
is perfectly fine no limp at all.
It did however contribute to some afternoon sleepiness
The hardest part now is staying controlled for at least another two weeks (for x
rays)as Bugsy who has been fairly cooperative with all the restrictions, is now
completely fed up.
I'm going to have to be at my most creative
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