Today we had our first attempt at it. The problem is always going to be calling him off the geese, definitely not finding them or chasing them.
As if sent as a message when we left our driveway this morning a single goose was walking on the neighbor's yard. The windows were open and Bugsy was on high alert immediately. I stopped and let him really scent it. I told him "goose" & 'good job'.
We carried on towards the golf course which takes us passed fields of livestock and um geese. Once again he rose to his feet, nose to the air and took it all in. Goose.
He was thrilled when we got the golf course and all this wide open space.
Then he saw 4 geese. He slunk down to panther mode and stalked them, edging closer. Then I did something (not sure what) that sent him.
Oh dear Lord after being dragged halfway across the wet fairway I let go. He was on a tear, and they weren't hanging around. He went after each one until the left. After a bit of sniffing, he responded to my whistle and returned to me.
"good job", treat, and "let's go"
From that point forward, he knew exactly what he was sniffing for, no doubts at all.
Off we went.
Then he heard them, high above. You could see the energy and intent in his body.
They landed and he started creeping.
This time they took off well before he got there. (clearly already realizing he means business)
Oh and so did he.
He took off like a rocket as they headed towards the murkiest pond you can imagine.
GULP! No Bugsy!
Not a chance.
He launched over the reeds/high grasses and about 20 feet into the pond, swimming with an intent that could not be missed.
Me= ACK! Thinking of snakes, snapping turtles and the slop.
I whistled and whistled, called his name.
Not a chance
He was pissed off and on a mission.
Fortunately after some time he got tired (the geese neared the side of the pond and flew over his head to the other end again)and my encouragement that he was done he decided to come out of the pond. He was absolutely exhausted. I was a wreck.
OK bud let's call it a day..............
We got home he pooped and launched into major zoomies.
Then he got a quick bath which was followed by more zoomies.
I love my new job mom!
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