"hey Bugsy want to do some learning?"
oh yea oh yea ha ha ha lets go lets go
I am so excited!
me? well um OK
(shockingly he does - there is movement involved therefore it is acceptable)
tweet "sit"
he did it - happy dance woohoo, treat
this again? er well OK
tweet "sit"
reluctantly he sits - lots of praise and a treat
sniff sniff hmm what's that over there - oooooooooo its a squirrel, got to get it, hey look I found a piece of wood.
I go and get his high value toy.
Oh mom awesome we are going to play woohoo spin spin I am so excited
tweet "sit"
I throw the toy and release him to get it
He charges after it "tweet tweet" (means bring it back)
He does, tweet "sit"
He does (big smile)
Oh yea baby he's got it
We try again, I release him to get it, whistle him back, he heads back, I tweet/sit he sits - incredible
then when I go to take the toy he grabs it and runs
and runs and runs
he circles back to show it to me
nanny nanny poo poo - I'm sure he said that
Eventually I get it back and make him sit to the whistle. Which he does but with his back to me.
Whatever mom - are we done yet?
Me - "I could ring your neck"
But I love you too much so I won't
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