We've seen her a few times now out walking and although Bugsy is ever so excited to see her, as soon as her puppy teeth start going after his ears, tail, legs, leash, etc., he moves on - as if to say I have no time for this.
I actually had begun to wonder if his love of puppies was waning. I knew the real test would be off leash.
Fortunately on Saturday we had opportunity to find out and no worries, Bugsy the puppy worshiper is alive and well, LOL.
Once we arrived back to our yard and he was off leash he was my crazy, silly, patient, gentle, puppy-nuts boy.
She became a bit concerned about everything and rushed over and sat with her owner. He play-bowed over and over until she mimicked his play-bow and off they went. She began quite timidly but he encouraged her and she became more and more playful.
Here she is having slayed the beast
It was fascinating to watch. And also loads of fun.
Every once in a while he would just take off zooming - as if to let off steam from having to be so controlled in his play with her.
A few times she tried to zoom with him - now THAT was funny.
When we decided it was time for them to part - she sat and tried to refuse to go and he whined - "no don't take my puppy away!"
I'm sure that it was the first of many play dates.
My boy is very lucky to have so many friendly dogs to play with and so many girls to love!
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