Last Friday I noticed a pronounced lump on Bugsy's hind quarter. I thought it was a bite or sting but he didn't seem to even know it was there. Off to the vet.
We left with no answers but a suspected mast cell tumor
We gave benadryl all weekend and saw no change so off to the vet this morning.
After a blood draw and fine needle aspirate it appears to be a soft tissue sarcoma
He'll have it removed tomorrow and off to the lab to determine what we are dealing with
I did a little reading on STS (soft tissue sarcoma) and we need all your best vibes, prayers and thoughts. It can be a straight forward thing or a very messy thing.
My life has had a ton of stress over the last few years and the Beast with all the insanity and rotator cuff-tearing hunting has been my savior.
He's been a guaranteed smile.
Oh heck he is a guaranteed LOL
He is the GRAND diversion from all that ails you
when his amber eyes lock on to yours you know some serious fun lay ahead
when the tail wags a certain way he's plotting some mischief and is clearly a step ahead of you
and then there are the moments when he looks at you with such unadulterated joy and his special brand of adoration that no matter what real life holds, in that moment, life is good.
Bugsy transports you to that place where life is only good
Everyone needs that from time to time and I have been lucky enough to have him do that for me daily. He's spoiled me and I have come to expect those moments and need those moments.
Bugsy this has to be something that can be fixed, simply and finally.
Your mama needs you.
1 comment:
I am about to cry. What a great tribute about the Bugs. He is a fabulous dog and I will keep him in my prayers!!!
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