Friday, April 18, 2014

It's like a dream come true: Bugsy's Team, SPCA Walk 2014

In May 2006 Bugsy age @ 8 months old participated in his first SPCA of Wake County Dog Walk.
You truly cannot imagine how much he enjoyed that day. Really.

I can still recall the first walk, actually the post walk party; a German Shepherd, that took offense to Bugsy's sniffing of said GSD's butt, attempted to eat B. All B did was wag his tail and give the GSD a look to say 'lighten up dude'. After the GSD's owner settled the dog back down, Bugs went right back to sniffing the dog's butt. Carefree and confident. We were mortified.
Thus we learned that B's intent was to sniff every butt he could and the dog walk was butt-sniffing paradise.

 (photo from 2009)
Over the years we have experienced a variety of weather at the dog walk -
we've had rain, clouds, sun, cold weather, hot weather, perfect weather & the very interesting; just-before-tornadoes-hit-weather.
(2011:approximately 2 hours before tornadoes whipped through causing destruction in Raleigh)
Bugsy has walked for the SPCA as a pup, as a healthy young dog, while recovering from a TPLO, and last year just two weeks after shoulder and elbow surgery he suffered the indignity of 'competing' in the Senior Walk. It was quite embarrassing as he was hell-bent on lapping all the 'competitors'.

(2013: sporting the half shaved look)

So this year we'll be back in the full 'race'.

That brings me to another thing we have learned: his intent is to finish first.
It's no walk, it is a race you foolish humans. We used to line up mid-pack and then he'd launch himself at the start as if he heard the starter's gun at the Kentucky Derby.
Now we just line up in the front row. Usually next to a GSP called Daisy who has the same philosophy of finishing in the lead.
(2012; with Daisy and my Dad holding me back!)

We, the humans, always meet and make friends there. Bugsy always finds dogs to play with and he also has calmed many a nervous dog. I recall one year there was a gorgeous female pittie that was so overwhelmed. We stopped to say hi and within seconds she was wagging and kissing him. Then she attached herself to him. Her owner was amazed at how she had come out of her shell, as long as she was by his side. That was a proud moment, so we walked with her for a while.

(2013: he's making a new friend)

I have so many memories of our Dog Walks, it is a special event for us humans and for the crazy canine Bugsy.
(Here he is trying to defend his title as best kisser (2008):)
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and now 2014. 

Wow looking at year by year is a stark reminder that my Beast isn't a young dog and I am no spring chicken myself.

Every year has been fabulous, however, I think this year will be the best ever.
This year Bugsy truly has a team. Team Bugsy which I'll call Team Zoomie.
I want to stop myself from saying this out loud but I cannot.
I hope that Team Bugsy/Zoomie and the donations made to that team, forever-more, become HIS legacy.

I know that if he could, he'd tell me to give back to the SPCA because they saved his wiggly butt. And he'd also want to make sure that other strays, owner turn-ins, etc. were afforded the same kindness that he received from the SPCA of Wake County.

So thank you Jake, Paxton, and Angus for joining Team Bugsy.
Breslin we look forward to seeing you at the walk too!

Lastly in case this swayed you to want to join us or sponsor us there is still time!
Join or Sponsor Team Bugsy/Zoomie