Sunday, October 13, 2013

How time changes things

I used to hear some very good friends talk about how they loved their 'old' dogs. I would acknowledge their heart and then say I loved crazy young'uns. And I do. 
However, I have  to tell you that the mature Bugsy is an AMAZING dog. He is still oodles of fun but he is so much more manageable. 
For instance, now at the lake he chases some birds but he gives up as opposed to the old days when he would damn near kill himself in the process of trying to catch them. I can let him chase knowing he won't drown or disappear. This is a good thing.
He is so settled AND reliant on his routine. He knows the way things happen and he works it, lol.
Perhaps the biggest thing, and specific to Bugsy, is that he allows you to love him. It's taken 8 yrs but I  can pet him on his bed without him getting up and leaving. 
There is a warmth and contendedness that was not present.
Our struggles are minimal, our pleasure is high. The bond is rewarding.
So if you have a young dog that is trying your patience, keep at it. In time you will reap the highest of rewards. I truly can't express how deep the connection is now with Bugsy, I can only share with you that what I experience now is worth everything I have had to put in.

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