Monday, April 12, 2010

Mr Prissy lets his hair down

well not really but bear with me on this one, LOL
Bugsy has always been an exceptionally neat dog, carefully skipping over mud and other than digging for moles he doesn't play in the dirt, puddles sometimes yes sometimes no, and he hates to do a down or sit on concrete or at the dog park, etc. if that gives you some idea.
OK now jump forward to - he always rolls on the floor after eating a raw meal, to me an indication of, "oh yea baby that was good eating!"
So tonight after having a wonderful meal of emu drumstick he went outside with me and rolled on the grass.
Over and over. He would get up and shake off some dirt and bits, stop and think and then he was back on the grass rolling.
Woohoo he can act like a dog! :-)

Now don't get me wrong I am not hoping this progresses to rolling in stinky stuff but I did think gosh he is finally chilled out enough to roll in the grass.
Good boy Bugs!
First you realize you can poop on your walk and don't have to hold it until you get home and now this.

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