Thursday, August 15, 2013

His world has been turned inside out, topsy-turvey or whatever term you like

Yesterday I started a new position. It is a long way from home and the days are long.
The days are about to get longer and there won't be days where I am fully 'off' for quite some time.

I am not sure what vibes I sent out but somehow Bugsy was aware that things were about to change and radically so.

I tried to tell myself I was imagining it.

Then my husband told me that all of yesterday (my first day), Bugsy stayed under the dining room table and ran to grab a toy (never greet your human without a gift) if he *thought* he heard something.
Then when I came home, oh my.
He was out with Steve in the yard and when he saw me turn towards the drive he came galloping across the lawn.
It was like a sappy Hallmark movie where the star crossed lovers finally meet.

He was soooooooooooooo happy. Ridiculously happy. As if I had left him for months happy.

I was overwhelmed with emotion. I figured he would be happy to see me, but not THIS happy.

Whew. I had taken him for a pre-work walk and I also took him for a post-walk work. That seemed to settle him.

Day two

I woke up a bit before 5 and he rolled over on his bed asking for a belly rub. I obliged.
Then I put on walking clothing and headed downstairs to put some coffee on. I looked and saw he was at the back door with his tail wagging, "ready Ma!"
That's my morning dog for you - one day and he says the new routine rocks!

Then in a blur of motion I left. Steve was teaching today too so he left the same time.

Steve said when he got home. Bugsy didn't even get up. Nary a tail wag. And wasn't going out for nothing.
Eventually he got up and Steve fed him.

Then once again my boys were in the yard when I pulled up.
Oh Bugsy, everyone should just once feel so loved as you display for me.

After being wrangled and held by Steve, he charged towards me. Immediately bursting into zoomies which led to keep away with some cardboard.
We eventually made it inside and his little heart was bursting with joy.
Again I felt happy to see how happy he was to see ME but also felt badly.
Poor guy.
One can't explain to them, so I am doing what I can to keep our bond but change our outings and adventures as I can to fit them in.
He was ever so hopeful I'd take him on another walk tonight. I didn't.
I did try to do some of our wobble board work and let's just say that he took overexcited to a new level so we had to end that immediately while we both had all our limbs and digits intact.

I know he'll adjust and be calmer about my arrivals.
Part of me loves the outpouring but a larger and more responsible part of me hates to see him be so worked up.
My days are about to get longer and I wonder how long I'll be able to be out walking him at 5am and still working at 9pm.
I will guarantee you, that I have promised him I will do it for as long as I can and every day possible.
As I wrote a few weeks ago, its a bond that is forged through effort and commitment.

I promise you Bugsy, for as long as you live or I live, I will do all that I can. Promise.
And I am not known for breaking promises.

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