Saturday, July 23, 2011

pfft what do humans know

if he could talk I am sure that is what Bugsy has been trying to tell me

Its been a tough week around here - Steve & I have been shocked and saddened to accept the events of the last week. The outpouring from our friends, family and neighbors (to whom I am know as the lady with the big black dog or as Bugsy's mom) has been incredible.
Everyone is doing their best to remain positive but sadness has prevailed along with concerns that his health is poor.

Well except with Busgy.
He's the happy, loving, excitable, hunting goofball that he always is.
Last night a favorite human stopped by, good Lord you would think he was Bugsy's long lost twin. The excitement was off the Richter scale.

This morning he woke me up by shoving the carcass of a stuffed goose in my face at 5:30. He was ready to start the day and start it now!!
We went downstairs and he grabbed a couple of rubber bones and a kong to go with the goose carcass and was wiggling and waggling and then launched into his morning routine of stretching, somersaults and rolling.

"It's a new day! it's a new day, it's a new day!!! woohoo!!!!!!!!"

And then it happened...........I should have known it was coming.........

LOL he went outside to take care of business and came flying onto the deck and through the doggie door into the porch at warp speed. Clearly he had been running like a nut for a while because he was smiling and his chest was heaving.

"I am soooooooooooo happy mom!!!!"

I decided that a short walk was appropriate so we just did a half mile and then he helped me in the yard for a few minutes. Then I said, "come on big guy, let's go in"
and it happened again


As I tried to wipe the smile off my face I looked at him in all his exuberance and joyfulness and thought, "you know, may be he knows more than we do"

With all our brain power, dot-connecting, reading, and surmising we make conclusions based on 'facts'. We worry and hope, we get sad.

Bugsy however just carries on - the sutures and staples and intestinal upset aren't even noticed - "I feel good! Ain't life grand? Wanna play?"

OK Bugsy at least for today, I will not look at you and think OMG he might be sick. Today you are my Bugsy, as nutty and healthy as ever.

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