Monday, December 28, 2009

Note to self............

Don't give a dog a stuffie that has little beads in it LOL
Bugsy was full of the devil earlier and needed an outlet so I gave him the last of the stashed stuffies, which of course had a very short life. It was a cute little bear that had some beads in the butt I suppose to make it more stable when sitting.
When I went to check on what beastie was doing I found little plastic beads all over the place. They were contained in a little pouch but he had opened the pouch and clearly enjoyed slinging it. Gulp.

I am glad though that he doesn't eat the innards of stuffies and I am also glad that he could care less what I do when he is 'playing' with his toy. He was lying there finishing off the little bear while I was lifting his paws trying to clean up all the little beads.

He's a good boy most of the time ha ha ha

In other news we had a great walk by the lake yesterday, said hi to a pretty yellow lab today, and I was able to squash an attempted zoomie!!

Tomorrow we have his 8 week xrays!!! Wish us luck

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