Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hey mom the mail is here.....

Bugsy does have his serious side which is displayed when he has a job.
One of his self assigned jobs is to tell me that the mail lady has delivered our mail.
Everyday without fail he will come find me and nudge at me insistently, tail wagging, with a look of 'hey it happened'. I'll ask him did the mail come? and the tail wags faster.
If I choose to not get it immediately he sighs heavily, and lies down next to me. But only for a moment.
Then he will nudge and nudge until I go get the mail.
There is no way you can continue doing what you are doing with beastie trying to convince you to get the mail, so I go get it.
Now that my office is on the third floor I thought he might not do his job, HA! Today I was working on things and he came to get me.
Good boy Bugsy, good boy
Oh and go slow on the stairs OK?

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