Friday, March 5, 2010

please no!

We have been so happy to be able to do normal length walks (2-3 miles for us) day after day with no apparent soreness and then bam! The other night when he awoke to go out for his end of the night business, he limped.
Wait a minute, which leg are you favoring big guy? Oh no way not the left one - gulp.
So he rested the next day, seemed fine so he had an evening walk.
When he awoke for end of the night business, limping.
head down, please no, yup favoring the left leg - the good one.
I am desperately hoping it is just sore. I cannot in no uncertain terms go through another surgery at this point, nor can he. So send us some good vibes please?

Poor guy had finally got to play with his cherished stuffed duck again and we were preparing to allow him a short playdate.

Come on Bugsy be OK - you so need to get back to having fun!

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