Wednesday, March 10, 2010

those blasted squirrels

Hey this is Bugsy writing my own post for a change. My human is always talking about my knees, I DON'T CARE ABOUT NO STINKING KNEES, I have things to do!

Like...........keeping those squirrels off the feeders.

This is what happens when I am not out there doing my job

It is flat out crazy and makes me very mad.
If my humans let me out I carefully creep up on these furry little creatures and scare them!
bwa ha ha ha
They run and scramble real good!
That is fun but I can also keep them away from a distance. Its easy I just lay down in the grass and keep my eye on those bird feeders.
Mom says the birds are good but not ones called 'grackles' so I chase them too.

Back to the squirrels - this is the look I give the squirrels to keep them away


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